The 21 Best Safe Plants for Budgies to Eat and Play With

Last updated on April 25th, 2024 at 09:04 pm

Written by Isra P

If you are confused about the top safe plants for budgies to eat, you are not alone. Our beloved companions are fond of tasting and munching on almost everything they come in contact with, and sadly, that can be a problem. Most people don’t know what plants benefit our budgies and which threaten their well-being.

A few safe plants budgies can eat are lavender, jade plant, aloe vera, spider plant, and zebra plant. Other plants they can nibble on are begonia, nasturtium, and prayer plant. When budgies munch on plants, it’s a way of fulfilling their dietary needs, exploring their environment, or simply having a good time. 

So we must pay attention to their surroundings and provide them with vegetation they can eat or have fun with without endangering themselves.

Of course, once you know which plants your budgie can safely eat, you also need a plan to eliminate toxic plants and offer a variety of safe ones to keep your feathered friend satisfied and healthy. Here are some of the most common plants that are safe and beneficial for budgies to consume.

Budgies may eat plants if they want to do so, although it isn’t absolutely necessary if they are on a pelleted diet. In the wild, they enjoy chewing on branches, leaves, flowers, and bark to obtain nutrients and keep their beaks in good shape. Therefore, plants can be good for them.

Plants can provide budgies the following benefits:

⦁ Vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that boost their immune system and prevent diseases

⦁ Fiber that aids their digestion and regulates their appetite by making them feel full and satisfied

⦁ Entertainment by stimulating their senses and preventing boredom. A good variety of plants can offer different colors, shapes, textures, flavors, and smells that can keep your budgies interested and engaged

⦁ Natural remedies that can help with inflammation, infection, or stress. For example, aloe vera can soothe skin irritations, and lemon balm may calm stress or anxiety

However, not all plants are good for budgies, as some contain toxins that can hurt them.

For example, Pothos can cause kidney failure, and Amaryllis may trigger vomiting or diarrhea. Some plants may also have pesticides, parasites, bacteria, or allergens that can harm your budgie.

Consequently, it is important to know which plants are safe for budgies and which ones are not.

Which Houseplants are the Most Beneficial for Budgies?

Houseplants are a great way to add greenery and freshness to your home. They can also offer nutrients and entertainment to our winged companions.

1. Lavender

safe plants for budgies to eat

At some point, I’m sure you have heard of lavender. This plant with awesome-looking tiny flowers can do a whole lot more than look pretty and infuse a delightful fragrance into your home.

It is known to aid digestion and relax the nervous system of stressed budgies. You may be afraid that lavender could bring harm to your pets, but rest assured, the plant is safe for them as long as it has not been treated with chemicals.

Although it needs full sun, it can thrive with almost no watering, so it shouldn’t be hard to keep it alive. Just don’t overwater it!

2. Jade plant

a jade plant

Another easy-to-grow houseplant is the jade plant. It has thick, fleshy leaves and stems that can easily store water. As a result, it is quite resilient and does not need much watering or fertilizing. However, plenty of sunlight is necessary.

This plant is safe for budgies with its succulent leaves that provide moisture and vital nutrients. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that may help with your pet’s skin problems or infections.

3. Aloe vera

plant of aloe vera

Aloe vera is a well-known houseplant with many uses and benefits for humans and budgies. It has long, spiky leaves with a gel-like substance rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and antioxidants. It can also improve digestion in case your budgie has an upset stomach.

These plants may take a good amount of regular sunlight and watering, but the rewards for your companions are well worth it.

4. Spider plant

spider plant

The spider plant is a common houseplant that is quite special. It has long, graceful leaves and can thrive with moderate sunlight and watering.

This edible plant offers fiber, vitamin C, iron, and other essential nutrients. But that’s not all. It’s well-known to remove dangerous compounds from the air, including carbon monoxide, which you and your budgie will surely appreciate.

5. Zebra plant

colorful zebra plant

This plant has striking foliage with dark green leaves and white veins. It also produces yellow flowers that can brighten up your budgie’s space.

Zebra plants can be easily handled as they require indirect light and reasonably moist soil. So how can they help your budgies? By purifying the surrounding air, these plants can help your pets breathe better and provide a safe snack they can nibble on.

6. African violet

african violet plant

These beautiful houseplants have fuzzy leaves and colorful flowers that range from white to purple (resource). You can keep them inside your home with little effort, but you must ensure they have a stable temperature and plenty of moisture.

Moreover, they contain many nutrients, such as vitamin C, that can boost your birds’ immune system. Additionally, they are pretty effective at getting rid of air toxins.

7. Lemon balm

Your budgies will love lemon balm. This fragrant herb belonging to the mint family has green leaves with a lemony scent and flavor. They are safe for your pets and can be kept indoors with moderate sunlight and water.

The leaves from the plant are an ideal treat for your budgies, packing lots of vitamins A, C, and iron. So as you imagine, they help support their vision and keep healthy-looking feathers. Of course, it doesn’t hurt they also possess calming properties for all stressed budgies out there.

8. Star jasmine

star jasmine plant

An unusual plant that may help out your older budgies is star jasmine. Believe it or not, it has analgesic, anti-rheumatic, and antispasmodic properties that can fight off arthritis and allow pets to experience less pain as they eat and play around.

Furthermore, they improve air quality, reducing pollutants that may harm you and your beloved companions. Finally, these plants are easy to keep around as they are quite resistant to cold and heat and barely need water once fully grown.

9. Dandelion

dandelion plant

This plant is a common weed that grows in many places worldwide. It has green leaves and yellow flowers that turn into fluffy seeds. It is easy to grow indoors or outdoors, but remember they require lots of sunlight and moist soil.

They are a powerful source of minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium; without forgetting, they also provide vitamin A. Moreover, the petals and leaves of the plants are irresistible to curious budgies, and you can be certain they will love you for giving them a chance to savor such a tasty snack.

10. Areca palm

Another houseplant that can clean and humidify the air your budgies breathe is areca palm. It removes carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and benzene from your pet’s immediate environment.

It is easy to care for, as it only needs bright indirect light and moderate watering. You can place it in a pot near a window or in the corner of your living room and enjoy its lush green foliage. Keep in mind the plant is also a good snack your birds can safely enjoy.

What Other Plants are Safe for Budgies?

Budgies love to chew on plants. However, many can harm them and present a risk to their well-being. Therefore, knowing what plants are safe for budgies is essential before offering them to your pets.

11. Boston fern

boston fern plant

Boston ferns are popular houseplants that can add a touch of greenery to any room. They are ideal for budgies, as they do not contain any dangerous compounds.

These plants have soft and feathery fronds that budgies can use to play hide-and-seek. Additionally, budgies may use them to snack on safely when stressed.

But that’s not all. Boston ferns can also remove toxins from the air and increase humidity, which is fantastic. Indirect sunlight and moderate watering are enough to keep the plant in good shape.

12. Chickweed

Chickweed is a common weed that grows in gardens and lawns. It’s nutritious for budgies due to its high vitamin C and calcium content.

When you look at it closely, its white flowers and leaves are its most noticeable aspect. Oddly enough, this plant grows effortlessly and needs to be kept in check. Otherwise, it might overtake your entire garden. Needless to say, this plant won’t die easily, no matter what your budgies do to it.

13. Pepperomia

Peperomia is a genus of plants that includes several species of succulents and herbs. They have thick and fleshy leaves and colorful flowers that budgies can munch on without issues (facts).

These plants can improve the digestion of your winged companions, plus their anti-inflammatory properties can help your pets be more resilient against degenerative conditions.

Peperomia plants are easy to care for and do not require much water or light.

14. Hen and Chicks

hen and chicks succulent plant

If your budgies love succulent plants, hen and chicks are an excellent choice to keep them busy. They consist of a large rosette (the hen) surrounded by smaller rosettes (the chicks). The thick texture of the leaves and their bright pink flowers make it difficult for budgies to ignore them.

The plant’s leaves have been shown to have some antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, which are ideal for keeping pathogens at bay. Growing them is also not a problem as they require almost no water. Still, exposing them to full sunlight is a must if you want them to entertain your budgies for a long time.

15. Baby's tears

baby's tears plant

Baby’s tears are peculiar plants that can form a dense carpet of miniature vegetation. They are safe for budgies, with soft, moist leaves that birds can eat and enjoy.

Moreover, they provide a natural hiding place for your budgies to play and feel comfortable. With medium humidity and moderate daylight, baby’s tears can thrive unhindered so that you can keep them indoors with no worries.

Which Native Plants from Australia are Safe for Budgies?

Since budgies are native to Australia, it’s natural that they will love plants from their homeland. Moreover, they will likely offer our birds nutrients and a taste of home that is hard to find elsewhere.

16. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a genus of plants, including hundreds of species. They are safe for budgies, as they do not contain any toxins or resins.

Moreover, eucalyptus plants have aromatic leaves that budgies love to chew on and enjoy, not to mention the medicinal properties that can help your bird fight infections and parasites. Plenty of sunlight and weekly watering should be enough to maintain the plant.

17. Lemon-scented Tea Tree

The lemon-scented tea tree is a shrub that grows in eastern Australia. It is also safe for budgies, as it does not have dangerous chemicals or allergens.

The plant has lemony-smelling leaves that no budgie can resist, in addition to its enticing pinkish flowers. With partial shade and little water, lemon-scented tea trees can last long.

18. Bottlebrush

Bottlebrush is a type of plant that belongs to the myrtle family. It’s a great snack for budgies, as it does not have any poisonous parts or substances (source).

Budgies enjoy feeding on the plant’s colorful flowers, which taste sweet. If you want to keep the plants around, make sure they get a lot of sunlight and water every now and then.

Which Plants can I put in my Budgie's Cage?

Not all plants are ideal to place inside your budgie’s cage. Some of them might grow too much and can become a hindrance to your feathered buddy. However, the following plants are well-suited for most large cages.

19. Begonia

begonia plant with flowers

Begonias are colorful flowering plants that perfectly fit your budgie’s cage. They are safe and edible for budgies and can help to stimulate their appetite and digestion.

Begonias also have anti-inflammatory properties that can help keep a lot of illnesses under control. In addition, they do well in shade and are resistant to dry conditions, so don’t overwater them.

20. Nasturtium

nasturtium plant

This plant has edible flowers with a peppery taste and high vitamin C content. That’s ideal for boosting your budgie’s immune system.

Nasturtiums also have antiseptic and antibiotic properties that can help fight off bacteria and fungi in your bird’s body. They do require some sun and are somewhat resistant to drought conditions. Still, you should strive to keep their soil moist to keep them around.

21. Prayer plant

These tropical plants have interesting foliage patterns and colors. They are also non-toxic, safe for budgies to chew on, and can help keep their beaks trimmed and healthy.

Prayer plants are known for their air-purifying abilities that can make your entire home a breathing paradise. Nonetheless, they require bright indirect light and high humidity to thrive, so you may need to mist them regularly or place them near a humidifier.

In the following video, you will see other budgie-friendly plants:

How to Pick Your Budgie-Safe Plants

You may think that as long as a plant is not toxic, there should be no problem placing it inside your budgie’s cage. However, that’s not true. There are a lot more considerations that shouldn’t be ignored if you want your budgie to remain happy and healthy.

Research the Plant: Prior to picking any plant for your pet, you should research its safety and suitability. You can ask an avian vet or a local expert for advice.

Pick Organic: If possible, choose plants not treated with pesticides or other chemicals. You can find organic plants at farmers’ markets, health food stores, or online shops. Although it’s more work, you can also grow your plants from seeds or cuttings.

Wash Them: Before placing any plant into your budgie’s cage, wash it thoroughly with water to remove all contaminants. If you want to be more thorough, use a mild soap or diluted vinegar solution to disinfect the plant. Rinse well and let it dry completely before giving it to your budgies.

Avoid Plants with Thorns: Some plants, such as roses, have thorns or sharp edges that can injure your budgie’s skin or eyes. Avoid these plants or trim them carefully before introducing them to your bird.

Consider Size: Get plants that are appropriate for the size of your cage. You don’t want to overcrowd your budgie’s home with large plants that may limit your companion’s space or movement.

While birds enjoy scrumptious leaves, they love even more to maneuver through spacious areas. I have seen the helpless look of many claustrophobic budgies as their owners cram endless plants inside the cages. So please, don’t do that.

Quarantine New Plants: Before allowing any plant into your budgie’s cage, quarantine it for at least two weeks in a separate container far from your bird. This will let you observe the plant for any signs of disease or pests that may cause trouble.

Monitor Your Companion: Once you have a new plant for your pet, you should watch your bird closely for any signs of discomfort or illness.

Anything unusual or symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, difficulty breathing, weakness, or lethargy in your feathered friend after eating or playing with a plant means you should get rid of the plant immediately and contact an avian vet.

How to Maintain and Care for the Plants in Your Budgie's Cage

Once you have chosen safe plants for your budgie’s cage, you should maintain and care for them properly to ensure their health. Here is how to do it.

⦁ Pick the plants that are suitable for the environment and conditions of your bird’s cage.

⦁ Provide adequate lighting for both your budgies and plants. Use natural sunlight, artificial lights, or both. Adjust the lighting according to the season, the time of day, and the budgies’ and plants’ needs.

⦁ Water your plants whenever is needed. Check the soil moisture regularly and water when it feels dry. Avoid overwatering or underwatering your plants, as this may cause root rot and other problems. Always use clean water free of chlorine, fluoride, or other chemicals.

⦁ Clean the cage and your plants regularly to prevent the accumulation of dirt, dust, droppings, and feathers that may attract insects, bacteria, or fungi. Wipe down the leaves of your plants with a damp cloth or paper towel, and don’t forget to remove dead, damaged, or diseased parts of your plants.

⦁ Trim your plants periodically to keep them in shape and prevent them from overgrowing. Prune any branches or stems that may interfere with your bird’s flight path.

⦁ Move the plants around within the cage or swap them with others from outside the cage. This will prevent boredom and monotony for your budgies.

Which Common Houseplants are Toxic for Budgies?

While some plants are safe for budgies, others can devastate them. They may contain substances that can irritate your bird’s skin, mouth, or eyes.

It is also possible for some of them to cause digestive problems, organ damage, or even death (reference). Therefore, avoiding these plants or keeping them out of your bird’s reach is crucial.

Here are some common houseplants that are toxic for budgies:

⦁ Pothos

⦁ Amaryllis

⦁ Bracken Fern

⦁ Cardinal Flower

⦁ Rhododendron

⦁ Creeping Myrtle

⦁ Periwinkle

⦁ Daffodil

⦁ Mistletoe

⦁ Rhubarb

⦁ Lily of the Valley

⦁ Witch Hazel

⦁ English Ivy

⦁ Foxglove

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the safe plants for budgies to eat, you can rest assured your companions can munch on them without worries. Whether it’s a dandelion or spider plant, you can allow your pets to nibble on them, knowing the astounding benefits they can obtain.

Don’t forget to pick the right plants carefully and provide everything they need, so your budgies can enjoy them for as long as possible. Then, with the right care and consideration, you can create a healthy, diverse, and engaging habitat for your feathered friend.

He is the leading creator of, a website dedicated to helping bird owners. For many years, Isra P has cared for budgies and other birds to ensure their happiness and well-being. His passion and enthusiasm for them have led him to a quest to find out why birds act the way they do and how to enrich their lives.