What to do if my Budgie Is Making Squeaking Sounds?

Last updated on October 31st, 2024 at 11:17 pm

Written by Isra P

What if suddenly, after playing with your budgie for a bit, you notice it’s making a squeaking noise. You might think, “hmm, my budgie is making squeaking noises. What does it mean? Is the bird just having a good time? Is it sick? Did it swallow something?”

Budgies may make squeaking noises if they have a mite, parasitic, bacterial, or fungal infection that affects their respiratory system. They may also do it if they have nutritional deficiencies, wish to mate, or have a quirk. These sounds are their way of telling you they need help or are just the way they are.

But don’t despair. By getting familiar with your budgie’s behavior, you can get a good idea of what is behind the squeaking sound your budgie is making.

It could be nothing or something. Find out what you need to know to give your pet the best care possible.

Understanding the Squeaking Sounds

Many factors can cause your budgie to produce a squeaky sound. Some of them are nutritional problems, pathogens, and the consumption of foreign bodies.

If a foreign body or pathogen causes the problem, you will notice a change that may or may not be subtle in your pet’s breathing and singing.

At first, you may notice a squeaking or clicking sound that happens occasionally. But after a few days or weeks, it can be accompanied by labored breathing known as dyspnea.

The struggling or excessive effort in breathing may include a much more significant sternal motion, keeping the wings away from the body, and tail bobbing (which is the subtle movement of the budgie’s tail up and down).

Examine for lack of iodine

Iodine is a massively essential nutrient for a lot of animals, including budgies. Surprisingly, many birds experience a significant deficiency of this crucial mineral leading to the condition known as goiter.

iodine crystals

This ailment is often the result of consuming an all-seed diet without supplementation. A budgie with little to no iodine is likely to make squeaking or clicking noises, which results from a compressed airway due to a swollen thyroid gland.

Investigate the presence of mites and worms

If mites or worms affect your budgie, making a squeaking or clicking sound would be natural for it. Air sac mites are well-known to cause issues in the respiratory system of birds.

Sternostoma tracheacolum mites may affect budgies’ tracheae and respiratory system if given a chance causing squeaking, sneezing, and even nasal discharge.

Another parasite that can cause a lot of problems is Syngamus trachea. This worm can make the tracheas of birds their home due to the ingestion of their larvae.

Parasitic infections are more common when birds are in contact with the outdoors; thus, keep your beloved budgies inside, and that menace is likely to stay away.

Search for a foreign object

Budgies and other parrot family members love nibbling on things to keep their beaks in top shape.

That inclination makes them susceptible to swallowing dangerous material that may affect their breathing, leading to squeaking or clicking noises.

Seeds’ hulls, certain fabrics, some metals, and plastic can end up in their trachea, leading to many health problems.

So keep plenty of wooden perches, seed pods, and gum nuts in the cage at all times. That way, your budgies will focus on munching safer materials.

wood perch

Contemplate the possibility of a fungal infection

A budgie making squeaky noises can also be experiencing a fungal infection. For example, the fungus Aspergillosis fumigatus may threaten budgies that live in areas with high humidity and temperature.

A lack of hygiene can also contribute to the proliferation of fungal spores.

Budgies that have been treated with antibiotics for a long time are more likely to get infected with the fungus due to a compromised microbiome and immune system.

Check the likelihood of a bacteria

One of the leading causes of squeaking in budgies is bacterial infections. Among them, Mycoplasma and Chlamydophila bacteria are known to be the most troublesome.

These microorganisms can cause respiratory issues and do severe damage if left untreated. As the airways and air sacs of the birds get more affected, the squeaking or clicking sounds occur more often, and their health becomes compromised.

Consider a nutritional deficiency

The squeaky sounds produced by budgies are often linked to health issues. However, the cause is often not the disease itself but the lack of vitamins and minerals.

colorful seeds with vitamins

For example, a vitamin A deficiency may result in an undeveloped respiratory tract which lowers the defense against microorganisms.

Pathogens such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria tend to hijack organisms if their defenses are low.

Recognize mating

Sometimes a female budgie performs squeaky sounds when she wants the attention of her male partner. Usually, it occurs when she desires to be fed by him as part of the mating ritual.

my budgie is making squeaking noises

Don’t get surprised if she keeps chasing him while making the squeaky sound. That’s perfectly normal and is not a sign of a problem by itself.

Keep in mind it could be nothing

From time to time, budgies may produce a squeaky sound. However, if it is just occasional and it’s not accompanied by any other sign such as tail bobbling, sitting puffed up for a long time, or labored breathing, it might be just a quirk.

Some budgies, especially male ones, have an extensive sound repertoire that includes casual squeaking. So as long as the budgie is not doing it all the time, chances are the bird is fine.

In the following video, you will see a budgie making squeaking sounds and what it may mean:

Solving your Budgie's Noise Problem

By now, you should have an idea why your pet is making a squeaking sound. Your budgie may be lacking some nutrients, could have swallowed something it shouldn’t have or is being threatened by an infection.

Still, at this point, there are a few things you can do to mitigate or solve the problem.

You may not be able to fix everything by yourself, but there are things you can do to make your budgie’s life easier.

That said, you should always go to an avian vet immediately, primarily if all signs are pointing toward a foreign body or an infection.

Feed your budgie suitable food

Health conditions cause, most of the time, the squeaky noises coming from budgies. At the same time, most of those illnesses are connected to nutritional deficiencies.

In other words, by feeding your pets the right food, you can avoid disastrous consequences for your budgie and your pocket. So, what should you feed your budgies?

As a standard rule, budgies love seeds. However, they are not enough.

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, cilantro, and parsley mixed carrots with their tops, pumpkins, and even sweet potatoes can provide the necessary nutrition.

leafy vegetables and more

You must provide these foods as early as possible, so they get used to them. Otherwise, it will be a lot of work to make them eat anything that isn’t seeds.

You may also have the alternative of providing pelleted foods enriched with vitamins and minerals to keep them in good shape if vegetables are out of the question.

Remember to place a block of iodine in the cage to keep the thyroid gland working properly.

Provide treatment

It is possible to ease your budgie’s squeaking and respiratory problems with a warm mist humidifier in the room.

diffuser with a rustic look

Tip: If you don’t have a humidifier, use a diffuser with distilled water only (remember to avoid adding any kind of oil). Allow enough steam to clear the airways of your pet.

Furthermore, you can take a hot shower while having your pet’s cage in the bathroom to improve your budgie’s breathing.

On the other hand, maybe the temperature is too hot in your region and the bird needs more ventilation.

If you suspect your bird is the victim of pathogens, consult with a vet as soon as possible. 

Depending on the diagnosis, an avian veterinarian is likely to recommend drugs that fight parasites, fungus, or bacteria that can get rid of these dangerous microorganisms for good.

Remove invisible threats

It’s essential to become aware of what your budgies can and cannot eat. Sadly, sometimes the things you don’t pay much attention to, such as their toys or snacks, are the greatest threat to your pet’s health.

Stay away from toys and perches made of lead, plastic, cadmium, or any other material that could be toxic to birds. Get rid of anything that your budgies could eat but shouldn’t. Make sure you have lots of snacks and budgie-safe toys that they can nibble on.

The squeaking noise your budgie is making can be a quirk or a sign that something is seriously wrong. Still, by observing, you should be able to tell whether your budgie’s behavior is amiss or not.

Look at the way your budgie acts, and if something seems out of place, take it to the vet as soon as you can. You will be happy that you did.

He is the leading creator of featheredbuddies.com, a website dedicated to helping bird owners. For many years, Isra P has cared for budgies and other birds to ensure their happiness and well-being. His passion and enthusiasm for them have led him to a quest to find out why birds act the way they do and how to enrich their lives.